Complex Psychiatric Conditions
People with complex mental health conditions struggle with multiple symptoms related to more than one disorder. Multiple diagnoses are the rule with mental illness. This is because different psychiatric disorders share many of the same genes and neuro pathways.
Common genes and shared brain circuits help explain why most major psychiatric have similar overlapping symptoms. Unfortunately this also helps explain why people are so often misdiagnosed or given different diagnoses at different times. Understanding this is important in deciding diagnosis and treatment.
Dual Diagnosis
Dual Diagnosis is a type of Complex Psychiatric Disorder and is defined as having a psychiatric disorder along with a co-occurring Alcohol or substance Use Disorder. This is a very common occurrence. Mental health conditions associated with dual diagnosis include anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and ADHD.
People with psychiatric illnesses often try to self-medicate their psychiatric and emotional problems with alcohol or substances. The hope is to control or reduce their anxiety, depression, anger or stress, but this approach does not work. Alcohol and substances are not cures for psychiatric problems, they create them or make them worse.
Both the psychiatric and Alcohol or Substance Use Disorder need to be simultaneously treated for best outcomes. This Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment (IDDT) model is an evidence-based practice that improves quality of life.

Co-Existing Psychiatric Disorders
Co-existing Psychiatric Disorders is another type of Complex Psychiatric Disorder. More than half of people diagnosed with one psychiatric disorder will be diagnosed with a second or third in their lifetime, and almost one third have four or more. Half will meet clinical criteria for 2 or more diagnosis at the same time. Patients are often diagnosed with varying combinations of anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and ADHD.
Coexisting Psychiatric disorders make diagnoses more complicated and often require treatment with multiple medications. The risk of side effects and other medication issues are increased.
Mixed Psychiatric Disorders
Mixed Psychiatric Disorders refers to a Complex Psychiatric Disorder which is defined as having a psychiatric disorder that is linked to a medical disorder. For example, Hypothyroidism which affects almost 5 % of Americans over the age of 12 can cause depression, and hyperthyroidism which effects 4-5 % of older women can cause hypomania or mania. Low or high Testosterone is a cause of depression and a common cause of depression in older men. Female hormonal fluctuations cause issues with menstruation that are so severe that 3-5 % are diagnosed with anxiety and mood disorders. Menopause is a common case of depression in older women . Diagnosing and treating underlying medical conditions presenting as psychiatric disorders is the only clinically appropriate approach to managing Mixed Psychiatric Disorders.